A libertarian NFT

Rodrigo Figueredo

Lined Circle

The piece “Yo soy libertador” (I’m a liberator) is a portrait of Neomar Lander in acrylic on canvas that I painted in 2017. This art is based on an iconic photography of Neomar taken the same day he died.

Lined Circle

This image became viral and iconic. I took advantage of the instruments given by social networks and new technologies to communicate as a way to share an idea and a shared identity for Venezuela. Today, I minted “Yo soy libertador” in NFT format with the objective to actualize and keep alive the memory of Neomar and the cause of freedom using the vanguard of what the blockchain has to offer.


Because Freedom Unites

First of all, I would like to give some context and intention in the road map of this operation “Yo soy libertador”. During the 2017’s protest in Caracas, these courageous.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle