Life After Leaving Ukraine and Mariupol

Tania Rak

Lined Circle

Working with words on the daily basis, I often think they can be redundant in daily life. It seems like the war unifies the human and national experience, bringing your personal experience to a common denominator. But guess, I should bring some light on this period, my personal experience of life after leaving Ukraine and Mariupol.

Lined Circle

You go through survivor guilt syndrome, ask yourself whether you are doing enough, see that people abroad just… live. While your thoughts are fully and completely at home. Meaning in your motherland. During 46 days of the war, you learn that home can be just a concept in your head since your physical one was bombed, burned and became a graveyard with crosses in front of your windows.


Because Freedom Unites

Coming from the Southern East of Ukraine, your daily schedule will most evidently look like mine: you check ALL local chats, groups, public pages, and news. There you are searching for info on your address, addresses of relatives, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances – everyone who you care about.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle