On Venezuela’s Migration

Jorge Jraissati

Lined Circle

Dear readers, I was walking in Madrid this morning. As usual, I was trying to find a spot to grab a coffee, open my laptop, and work a bit on my projects. So, I ended up finding the spot. I found a small coffee shop that seemed perfect for the task.

Lined Circle

When the waiter came to pick up my order, it turned out she was also Venezuelan. She was not from my city, but from one not so far from mine called Valencia. We chatted briefly as she picked up my accent. She told me how much she missed Venezuela, as well as the fact that she hadn’t seen her parents in like two or three years, though she sends them money every month.


Because Freedom Unites

For those not familiar with the Venezuelan diaspora in Madrid, this city has attracted hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. Some of them came because they already had family here, as many Spaniards moved to Venezuela during the twentieth century.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle